Base Design: Anthony Franklin, Luc Vega, Vincent Sauvaire, Romain Granai, Mirko Mammarella, Artem Lyustik, Viktor Tsarevskiy, Olya Sidorchenko, Sergeï Khegai, Adrian Chokanu, Daria Tishchenko, Andrey Starkov
Our terms are quite simple. The submission is free of charge. You need to have all rights in terms of intellectual property to submit the site. The credit details need to be correct. You need to give us the right to publish the site on 404.foundation and the 404 Instagram account. Although nothing in particular is planned yet you need to give us the right to use your site for publications, exhibitions, merchandise, press features and such. Not every submission will be published. We reserve the right to decline a submission or remove the site after being published. The submission data and your contact details will be saved by us. You will receive an email when your submission has been published. 404 is hosted on Vienna-based Servers run by greenwebspace.com. We run 404.foundation cookie-free, do not collect any user data and do not share anything with third parties. For imprint details please check 101.at. For getting in contact please use helloworld.404.foundation. Thanks.